
Moffitt Named to LCV’s “Dirty Dozen in the States”


CONTACT: Jeff Gohringer, 202-454-4573 or Jeff_Gohringer@lcv.org
Dan Crawford, 919-839-0020 or dan@nclcv.org

Raleigh, NC – North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) and the national League of Conservation Voters (LCV) announced today that Representative Tim Moffitt has been named to LCV’s “Dirty Dozen in the States.” Modeled after LCV’s trademark federal “Dirty Dozen,” the state version highlights 12 of the most anti-environment state-level candidates from around the country who state LCVs are working to defeat.

“North Carolinians deserve representation from someone who shares our values, someone that puts our interest ahead of corporate polluters,” said Dan Crawford, NCLCV director of governmental relations. “Time and time again, Representative Moffitt has sided with special interests – not the people – and that is unacceptable. Western North Carolina needs someone that can and will do more to protect the water we drink and the air we breathe.”

“States are playing an increasingly important role in determining how our country meets the challenges of clean air, clean water and climate change. With so much at stake, it’s absolutely critical that voters defeat politicians who stand with corporate polluters and elect environmental leaders at the state and local level who will move us toward a clean energy future,” said Gene Karpinski, President of the League of Conservation Voters.

Representative Tim Moffitt has one of the worst environmental voting records in the North Carolina legislature. Over the last few years, he has supported a very controversial local water supply control issue, voted for weak coal ash protections, consistently supported fast-tracking fracking, rolled back environmental protections, and generally voted against the environment at every turn (in a district where the environment is always a priority for the citizens he was elected to represent). Representative Moffitt earned a 0% in 2013 on NCLCV’s Conservation Scorecard and a lifetime score of just 10%, and his 2014 score to be released soon tells a similar story.

LCV worked with its more than 30 state partners to determine this election cycle’s “Dirty Dozen in the States.” The candidates named are some of the most anti-environment politicians running in competitive state-level races for governor, state senate or state house this cycle.

Earlier this month, NCLCV launched a $515,000 campaign targeting Moffitt and two other Western North Carolina legislators, Representatives Nathan Ramsey and Michele Presnell, for votes they cast preventing cleanup of coal ash pollution and fast-tracking fracking in North Carolina. The campaign includes television, mail, and phone calls across the three western House districts.


North Carolina League of Conservation Voters is a pragmatic, nonpartisan, advocacy organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and enhancing North Carolina’s natural environment. For over 45 years, NCLCV has been turning environmental values into North Carolina priorities by helping to elect pro-conservation candidates and holding them accountable for their decisions that affect the environment.

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